Frequently asked questions

  1. How do I make orders at ?

    Ordering from is simple and easy.

    Please choose the items from our on-line shop, submit your contact information, the delivery address and your order will be processed. In addition you can send an email with the items you want, your company name, complete shipping address, phone number and your business registration data. In any way, after receiving the order, we will contact you back by e-mail with order confirmation and futher instruction. You will find the total cost of your order (including shipping and handling fees) there.

    We will send ordered goods as soon as we receive your payment.

  2. How can I pay for my order?

    We accept various payment methods:

    • Bank transfers
    • Credit cards (MasterCard, Visa)
    • PayPal

    We don't accept:

    • Cheques or postal orders
    • Cash in any currency
    • Purchase orders
    • Direct debits or standing orders
  3. What is the minimum order amount?

    There is minimum 100 USD or 100 EUR value limit per order (depending on the currency you have chosen).

  4. Do you ship the goods directly, to which countries?

    We ship directly from our warehouse in Lithuania (European union) to most countries in the world.

    Our delivery partners are DHL, UPS, DPD, Postal Services. Clients can also pick up the goods in our warehose or organize their courier company.

  5. Do I have to pay any duties and taxes related to my order?

    If you are in the European Union and you do not have a valid VAT tax ID, then we need to add 21% VAT tax to your order. If you are in the European Union and you have a valid VAT tax ID, you do not need to pay the 21% VAT tax.

    If you are outside the EU, you will probably have to pay some import tax or customs duties to the government in your country. Please get information about your legal import procedures in your country prior making the order.

  6. Can I change payment method?

    If you would like to change payment method after you placed the order, you should contact us by phone: +370 615 85560 or by e-mail: [email protected]. You can also cancel the order (if the payment is not executed yet) and place the new one with the payment method you like.

  7. How can I cancel my order?

    You may cancel your order at any stage before the payment has been sent. You can find this functionality in your orders list at For more options see our Terms and Conditions.